A previous exhibition of 125 left-handed portraits and new work by Manuela Hübner
11 March – 4 May 2017
Espresso Library, East Road, Cambridge (map)
The Story
Right-handed since childhood, Manuela was forced to use her non-dominant left hand in the summer of 2016. What became apparent was a lot of untapped potential.
Continuing to explore the left, she roamed through cafés and public places, sketching people.
The popular Espresso Library – one of Cambridge’s coffee, culture and art hubs – eventually became her preferred hunting ground. Here, the idea of a Wall of Faces was born.
The drawings on show were created over a period of three and a half months and document the journey of what happens when you explore, play and persevere.
They offer interesting insights into the peaks, troughs and plateaus of a learning curve whilst illustrating the stages of artistic style development and the sheer power of pursuing a vision.
The visual works are accompanied by the artist’s observations on differences and similarities between left-hand/right-hand use as well as some surprising new incidental abilities.
The exhibition is also a tribute to beauty and human connections – to all the people who have lent their face to this project by allowing Manuela to capture their unique features and character, and not least to the Espresso Library for taking a gamble with this unusual and organic enterprise.